I am not a person who usually feels the effects of a stress-filled life. I do not have trouble sleeping, I don't get ulcers ... in fact, there's usually only one way I know that I am feeling stress:
My eyelids twitch.
I know this sounds like no big deal, but my eyelids don't twitch like ordinary people's do. I don't get one or two tiny flutters that are more entertaining than annoying. MY eyelids twitch at about 80 tpm (twitches per minute), each "twitch" lasting a couple of seconds. This happens several times a minute and has currently been going on for FOUR DAYS. I wear contact lenses, so three or four times a minute my vision in my right eye goes wonky, because the twitch is upsetting the delicate location of the lens on my cornea.
I hate, hate, hate it when my eyelids twitch.
This happens every time I am experiencing stress or am spreading myself too thin. Since I hate my jobs and am broke all the time and am dealing with stupid family drama as well as an ailing grammie, I am apparently feeling the effects. And for the forseeable future there is no change in sight.
And so I twitch.
I hate eyelid twitches. But lately, my eyeballs feeling hot is even worse. :(
I get those sometimes... but I don't wear contacts so they don't bother me as much...what bothers me is when my ear drums flutter. I hate it. I don't know what causes it, or how to make it go away...but it sucks.
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