'cause I'm done.
My official pink slip letter came via certified mail yesterday. I'm not surprised or upset, except that I really thought there would be at least ONE administrator who would have the balls to come tell me to my face that my position was cut. I don't think any of them have made eye contact with me in weeks. Whatever.
In related news, I'm working with my students on the last unit of the year. Two groups are reading "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and one group is reading "Catcher in the Rye." I'm at a place where I can both identify with Alice's befuddlement at a world that doesn't make sense and Holden Caufield's desire to protect the innocence of youth. I'm excited about the next chapter of my life and at the same time I feel anxious about turning my back on what I thought was going to be my life's work.
Bear continues his physical therapy to strengthen and straighten his knee. He has begun aquatic therapy, which is forcing him to work his leg in new ways. He has already noticed a difference in how he feels after therapy. I hope he continues to improve.
We purchased a pop-up camper from Bear's godparents this year and Bear has been spending many hours restoring it. The thing is from the late 80's and needs a lot of work. We are both excited at the thought of having a dry place to stay while camping. We are both tired of sleeping in a wet tent, sitting at wet picnic tables, dealing with damp everything when we camp in the rain. Bear is doing an awesome job repairing and cleaning the camper. I can't wait to use it!
I continue to dye fiber and yarn for the Fiber Frolic, trying to get everything in order for the show. It's June 5-6, so I am rapidly running out of time. I'm almost halfway through the dyeing, and will have to label everything and pack it after that. I keep picking away at it. I enjoy it so it doesn't seem like work.
I don't know if I mentioned it here or not, but I also began a video podcast about my fiber business, called The Fiberista Files. If you're interested in learning more about my fibery life, head over to www.thefiberistafiles.com and watch my videos. I record in my craft room and post the videos to YouTube.
I'm ready for this week to be over. What are your plans for the weekend?